List of news items

Hello summer

Publish by 07/07/2021

Summer is not only the holiday period, it is also and above all a period of abundance that rhymes with harvest!
Harvest of the fruits of pollinated trees during the spring but also harvest of honey !!!
Be careful, collecting honey requires careful thought so as not to exhaust the bees' reserves for the winter!

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A new solution sheet is available!

Publish by 23/06/2021

Some locking systems are extremely stressed. It is important to take this into account when choosing your lock and opt for a very resistant model that has proven itself.

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Publish by 15/06/2021

Accessibility standards require that ERP and ERT (with more than 20 employees) be accessible to people with disabilities.

The knurled button does not meet accessibility criteria, Guidotti goes further.

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Publish by 14/06/2021

Let's meet at the start of the school year!

Guidotti will make his festival!

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Fire safety standards, how to navigate?

Publish by 01/06/2021

Les systèmes de verrouillage répondent à de nombreuses règles notamment quand il s’agit des équipements d’évacuation incendie.

ERP ou ERT ? Obligation d'accessibilité ?

Guidotti vous éclaire sur les normes à appliquer selon votre établissement.

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Le printemps est là !!

Publish by 30/03/2021

Malgré des fleurs abondantes dans les prés et sur les arbres, le printemps est parfois une période très difficile à gérer pour les abeilles.

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Publish by 01/02/2021

Comment sécuriser les transferts via les ETS (Enceinte Technique Sécurisée) sans négliger la sécurité des convoyeurs et des collaborateurs tout en respectant la législation ? 

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