List of news items


Publish by 11/08/2022

It's time to go!

All the Guidotti teams wish you an excellent holiday.

We will be closed from Monday 15 August to Sunday 28 August.

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Ecoutez et devinez

Publish by 08/06/2022

Ecoutez et devinez !

L'artisanat travaille aussi à l'oreille.

Découvrez ce son, emblématique de l'activité de Guidotti.

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My lock

Publish by 25/05/2022

Did you know that we can also supply you with handles to fit your locks?

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Solution sheet 8: How can a building be made compatible with religious constraints?

Publish by 26/04/2022

The Jewish religion observes the Sabbath from Friday night to Saturday night. During this period, the use of electricity to change the state of a system is prohibited. As a result, electric or electromechanical locks cannot be used.

How to ensure a lock within these constraints?

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